Work Details

Florri App


September – November 2022

My Role

UX Designer and Researcher
 Google UX Design Professional Certification Course

Product Description

Florri is a business to business mobile app for floral designers that allows users to order product and manage their inventory.




Florists would like to streamline their product ordering and inventory management.

Florists can struggle with product ordering and inventory management, which hampers their efficiency and growth. There is a need for a solution that can connect florists with nearby floral distributors, streamline inventory management, and foster a sense of community among florists.


Introducing Florri - The Florist's Companion

Connect Florists To Distributors

Florri aims to bridge the gap between florists and floral distributors by creating an ecosystem that connects both ends of the floral industry. Leveraging geolocation, Florri will prioritize matching businesses with local distributors, ensuring quick and efficient product sourcing.

Streamline Inventory Management

Florri simplifies inventory management for floral shops. With Florri, users can effortlessly track their purchases and categorize them for easy access. The app allows users to manage their entire inventory, add or remove products, and quickly reorder items. Furthermore, integration with Florri’s upcoming Point of Sale (POS) system will elevate inventory management to new heights.

Foster A Sense Of Community

Florri recognizes the importance of community in any industry. The app incorporates social media features that enable florists and distributors to connect with each other. Users can create profiles, share thoughts, post inspiring arrangements, and communicate through in-app messaging, fostering a vibrant and supportive community within Florri.


Understanding the problem

Defining project goals

Setting a schedule



Competitive Audit

User Interviews

Pain Points

Journey Maps



Paper Wireframes

Lo-Fi Wireframes & Prototypes

Usability Testing 1

Hi-Fi Mockups

Usability Testing 2

Hi-Fi Prototype

Going Forward


Next Steps

Competitive Analysis

The competition focused either on sales or community, not both.

Florists have to manage a wide variety of products to sustain their business. Florri aims to help ease time spent on inventory management, and ordering. With a gap in the market of connecting florists with nearby floral distributors, Florri will help businesses grow and connect and strengthen their relationships and community.

User Interviews

Users wanted to spend less time managing inventory, so they could spend more time being creative.

Lets dig in with some questions:

  • What is one of your favorite things about being in the floral industry? and least?
  • Where do you order your products from currently?
  • How do you currently keep track of your inventory?
  • How much time in a week do you spend ordering or managing product?
  • What would make managing your inventory easier?
  •  How important is it to you to connect with others in the same field? Why?

I conducted both in-person and remote interviews with professionals within various areas of the floral industry, and created empathy maps to better understand users and their needs.

The user group confirmed many of our initial thoughts about Florri customers. During interviews we did find that while excited about the concept, some worried about not being technologically savvy enough to use the app properly, and that time is usually very limited when it comes to ordering product.

INSIGHTS & User Pain Points

Interviews revealed where Florri can help

Inventory Management

Users face challenges when ordering from multiple vendors. Florri aims to consolidate all inventory management tasks into one convenient location.

Local Distribution

Finding a distributor within a reasonable proximity is a common struggle. Florri will work closely with distributors to facilitate partnerships with florists in their respective regional shipment locales.

Technology Knowledge

Some users expressed concerns about their technological proficiency. To address this, Florri will provide guided walkthroughs during the initial setup process, along with comprehensive help documentation and instructional videos.

Lack of Community

Users desire a platform that allows them to connect and network with fellow florists and distributors. Florri will integrate social features to create a vibrant and collaborative community within the app.

User Persona

Let's meet one of our personas, Dee.

Dee, a floral shop owner, represents our target user. She seeks straightforward inventory management solutions due to her limited time and tech knowledge.

Starting the Design

Now that we better understand the user, lets get started.

Florists have to manage a wide variety of products to sustain their business. Florri aims to help ease time spent on inventory management, and ordering. With a gap in the market of connecting florists with nearby floral distributors, Florri will help businesses grow and connect and strengthen their relationships and community.

Paper Wireframes

Getting The Ideas Out On Paper

Multiple versions of the homepage were sketched on paper to strike the right balance between showcasing a user’s personal shop and displaying available products. Ensuring easy access to essential details on the homepage was a top priority.

Lo-Fi Digital Wireframes and Prototype

Bringing The Concepts To Screen

Using comprehensive lo-fi digital wireframes, I created a user flow for our persona, Dee, enabling her to reorder the flowers she needs. These wireframes were transformed into an interactive prototype, providing a tangible representation of the app’s functionalities.

Hi-Fi Design

Full Color Display

Hi-Fi prototype & USABILITY STUDY

Getting it in the users hands

To refine Florri’s user experience, two usability studies were conducted with five participants from the floral industry, focusing on floral shop owners and employees.

Round 1 Findings
Round 2 Findings

Next Steps

